I am a designer who uses brain and emotion to enrich your brand and product experience

Designer with brain and heart

As a designer, I merge both intellect and emotion to craft designs that truly stand out. I don't just rely on technical skill or creative flair; instead, I combine analytical thinking with emotional insight to create designs that resonate deeply with the audience. By leveraging both my head and heart, I ensure that my designs not only look good but also connect with people on a meaningful level.


Strategic Business Thinker

Beyond design aesthetics, I excel in developing strategic plans to drive business success. I use my analytical capabilities to assess market trends, identify opportunities, and devise strategies that align with overarching business objectives. My focus is not just on creating beautiful designs but on leveraging design as a tool to achieve tangible business results and drive revenue growth.


Emotional Engagement Specialist

I understand the power of emotion in design and actively incorporate it into my work to foster genuine connections with the audience. Whether through compelling visuals, compelling narratives, or intuitive user experiences, I strive to evoke emotions that resonate with users and deepen their engagement with the brand. By tapping into the audience's emotions, I create designs that leave a lasting impression and inspire action.


Branding Expert

For me, branding goes beyond just creating a logo; it's about crafting a cohesive visual identity that tells a compelling story and leaves a lasting impression. I develop comprehensive brand experiences that captivate audiences from the moment they encounter the brand, ensuring consistency across all touchpoints. By creating a strong brand identity, I help brands stand out in a crowded marketplace and foster long-term customer loyalty.


Agile Experience Designer

In the realm of digital platforms, I embrace agile methodologies to deliver exceptional user experiences. I start with minimum viable products (MVPs) and iterate based on user feedback, continuously improving and scaling the digital experience. By deploying agile methods, I ensure that digital platforms are not only user-friendly and intuitive but also adaptable to evolving user needs and market trends.


Work Experience




I offers 3 types of services — Brand Toolbox, Brand Implementation and Digital Product Design and Consultancy.

A modular approach simplifies maintaining visual consistency across all brand touch points. Visual identity components act as a versatile toolbox, enabling various combinations for diverse implementations. This philosophy extends seamlessly to Digital Product Design and Consultancy, ensuring cohesive and adaptable brand experiences across digital platforms.


Brand Toolbox

Logotype, Typography, Colors, Iconography, Illustration, Visual Element, Image, style, Guidelines, Animation


Brand Implementation

Website design, Website development, Templates Social Media, Presentation decks, Print material, Packaging, Advertising, Physical spaces


Digital Product Design and Consultancy

User Research, User Personas, Journey Mapping, Wireframing, Prototyping, UI/UX Design, Usability Testing, Information Architecture, Product Strategy, Stakeholder Communication


Our process starts with discovery, where we define project goals. In design, we create concepts, then develop them into digital products. Finally, we deploy the product to the audience. This systematic approach ensures successful design and deployment.


Digital & UX Audit

We gather information, define goals, and understand the audience's needs through research and analysis.


Digital Strategy

We translate insights into tangible concepts, creating wireframes, prototypes, and visual designs aligned with project objectives.


Digital Experience Design

We turn designs into functional digital products through coding, testing, and refinement.


Digital Experience Design

We launch the product after final testing and optimization, followed by ongoing maintenance and improvements post-launch.



Estimated time frames


I'm always interested in building out my network with other experts in different fields such as photography, 3D, animation, copywriting etc. Please get in contact if you're interested in collaborating.

If you want me to be a part of your team for a specific project, I'm also open to discuss.
