Moving Away from Consumerism

22 Jun 2024

In our fast-paced, consumer-driven world, I found myself caught in a persistent cycle of buying, owning, and investing, accepting joy was continuously one buy absent. Importantly, this act is encouraging me to compare myself and others. For instance, I don’t have a BMW, but he got it.

This changed one evening as I confronted the overpowering clutter in my closet, realizing my belonging brought more burden than bliss.

Addressing my relationship with fabric things, I recognized my overconsumption as a imperfect adapting component for push, boredom, and societal weights. Motivated by the standards of moderation, I set out on a transformative travel of decluttering, mindfully decreasing my assets to those that served a honest to goodness reason. 

This move was not only almost owning less but grasping a attitude centered on quality over amount and prioritizing enhancing encounters over short lived fabric picks up. As I let go of superfluous belonging, I felt lighter and more in control, finding a more satisfying and deliberateness way of living.

However, one question is does decluttering make me feel better and not trying harder? or Comparing myself is pushing me to another boundary?

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